Personal Website Project

Joanna Brigham
2 min readJun 7, 2022


I begun creating a personal website last autumn using React, just before I ended up taking a bit of break from coding due to other work commitments.

Though this time off has knocked my confidence a bit in terms of my coding skills, one benefit has been that its given me a bit of time to think more about a specific direction I would like to take my career in to match my interests. I’ve found I’m drawn to user experience and the updates I would like to make to this project should hopefully be in line with creating a better user experience and also build back up my confidence in my coding skills. I’m currently looking into different options for UX courses, so any recommendations would be appreciated.

This is a list of what I plan to work on next:

  • Add another project in the project section and create a scrollable carousel
  • Add icons to the ‘tech skills’ section
  • Improve skill section so that only one skill box can be opened at a time, currently if more than one are opened then show behind content lower down on the page
  • In hobbies section improve look and feel of photos- ensure they are all the same size and improve way in which they change between photos (need to have a think about how I would like to do this
  • Update page background to something more interesting- currently thinking some sort of wave of colour that flows through the whole page
  • Improve responsiveness — more learning is required on
  • Update ‘about me’ blurb
  • Would like to improve layout of ‘past experiences’ section — need to do some research on this

As I make my way through this list I will extend this post and make some notes of what went well any problems I run into at each stage.

Update 14/06- after a bit of research I think i’m going to use React Slick to build the carousel for the projects section. It will be good to use a React library as I haven’t so far on this project.



Joanna Brigham
Joanna Brigham

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